Awakening Shakti

Whether you are arriving here because you are interested in sacred sexuality, or perhaps deepening your spiritual practice, or harmonizing your masculine and feminine, or simply for the love of the Goddess, you are here for the right reason; something inside you is seeking wholeness. Tantra returns us to our essential nature, and to nature in general. What does it mean when something is natural? It belongs exactly as it is, where it is, how it is. Our natural state is already perfect, yet there are many layers of conditionings that obscure it. Tantra helps us unravel these layers in order to return to this natural state.
Tantra is a spiritual science, not a religion and barely even a philosophy, although philosophy helps the mind to contextualize the experience. The wisdom of Tantra comes through direct experience alone. It cannot be separated from the land from which it birthed, it cannot be separated from the transmission from guru to disciple in the unbroken chain of lineage, it cannot be separated from the Tantras, the actual texts that outline the teachings and practices, and it most certainly cannot be separated from the Goddess Shakti and her beloved Shiva. Yet not all of us can go seeking in India, or have the grace of guru and lineage, or translate Sanskrit texts, and yet Tantra, like the mother Herself, remains available to us.

Greetings Beloved,
My name is Halo Seronko and I believe in the power of self-transformation. I believe that when we make the sacred commitment to live as our most authentic and essential self, beyond masks and distortions, we are able to offer our greatest gifts to the world. I have found that when we deeply tend to all of our levels of being from the physical, energetic, emotional, mental and certainly the spiritual we begin to live in alignment with this essence. We are then able to heal physical ailments, boost our energy and focus, shift negative tendencies and thoughts, alchemize our emotions, and generally live more deeply connected to spirit. When we live with a deep connection to the spiritual realms we begin to know love more intimately, our relationships take on new depths beginning with out relationship with the self, our beloved ones and with life itself. All of the sudden everything has more meaning and the mundane becomes miraculous!
Through my own lived experience I have overcome many obstacles in life from the physical to the spiritual. I remember feeling dull as a child, and disconnected from my body, others and life. I developed serious eating disorders and used substances to escape from the pain that lived in me. One day I realized there was a choice, I could tune out, or tune IN! When I discovered dance I began to inhabit my body and quickly my eating disorders resolved without any need for alopathic interference. I discovered Yoga, Tantra and Taoist Sexual Energy cultivation which assisted me through a four year healing journey with HPV and Cervical Dysplasia. I developed greater self reverence and my boundaries became more clear, I could no longer harm myself anymore. Beyond that, I developed a beautiful relationship with spirit and with Shakti, the supreme energy that pervades all, as she was my guide in this miraculous process. I would not be where I am today if I hadn’t experienced such disconnection that catapulted me into the incredible journey of discovering my essence and gifts through the path of Tantra.
It is now my greatest joy to assist others on the path…
I know it can be difficult to take the reins on our own transformation. Sometimes we have a good period and progress is underway, and then all of the sudden we can feel derailed and like we are swimming in our patterns again. This is why I find it so important to explore intelligent systems of practice that can act as containers to hold us through the process, as well as a mentor who can guide us along the way and help us remain accountable when we lose track. The thing is, true and lasting transformation relies on all aspects of our being; body & energy, mind & emotions, soul & spirit to come into alignment. I have found no greater map than Tantra provides. Are you ready?
I would love to assist you in remembering your true nature, living as the beauty that you are, and staying the course!

The Healing Tools I Use
The Awakening Shakti Private Mentorship Program is tailored to fit your individual essence and life constellation. No two beings are alike, and no two programs are alike! As a lineage carrior and teacher of esoteric Temple Arts I will weave various threads of practice and insight from Classical and Neo Tantra, the Taoist Feminine Arts, Womb Work, and even Temple Dance. Together we will not only explore patterns and places within that are calling for liberation, and celebrate those moments of expansion and insight; but we will also co-create a body of practice to help you stay the course and assist you in continuing to realize, cultivate and embody your radiant divine nature far beyond the time of our work together.
Couples Sessions are also available upon request.

Tantra can benefit individuals or couples to find wholeness beyond the constraints of the binary. This system is superior for healing wounds of masculine and feminine and finding wholeness and right relationship. My sessions use Tantra as the main overarching philosophical and practical container that aides in transformation. Tantra helps to yoke our experience of divinity through an ancient and time tested spiritual science. In Tantra we use many tools to align our life-force energy, or Shakti, with our transcendental consciousness, or Shiva. In doing so we alchemize the dualistic nature within into an experience of wholeness, unity, and bliss.
These practices include, but are not limited to:
Inner Tantric Yoga practices to balance the energies of Shiva and Shakti, the inner God and Goddess
Pranayama or breath techniques to balance the lunar and solar nadis and awaken the central channel, or sushumna
Yogic techniques for activating the Chakras, or energy centers
Mantra and Yantra for use with embodying and propitiating particular deities
Puja, or rituals of worship for particular deities
Couples practice in transfiguration, Nyasa (anointing) and sexual energy exchange
Another system I frequently use with clients is the Taoist Feminine Arts, especially when journey into the sometimes turbulent realms Sexual Energy Cultivation and Healing. This system holds many practices that will assist you to reconnect with your erotic innocence and sexual essence. In the Tao we recognize our sexual energy as a great force of love and healing. Through very particular practices you can learn to clear out old, stagnant energy, cultivate your sexual power, and amplify your pleasure and connection to source. When you cultivate your sexual energy, you naturally live a more vital, radiant, and empowered life.
A few areas these practices cover, among many:
Taoist philosophy and living in the cycles of nature
Womb and Ovarian Ancestral Clearing
Cultivating Ovarian Energy
Womb as Alchemical Chalice of Yin and Yang
Circulating and storing sexual energy
Working with the Jade Egg to amplify sexual energy

Womb Work assists you in diving deep into the well of the womb to discern truth, held patterns and pathways to release them, as well as enhance your feminine life design to optimize all areas of your personal life Womb Work will always cover Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual aspects in order to come into a state of Wholeness. This is a space of sanctity to be in loving reflection, open curiosity, and a deep well of sustenance.
A few of infinite areas that this work can aide:
Recurring physical imbalances in the Womb and/or Yoni
Releasing the energetic bonds of past lovers
Enhancing the relationship to sacred sexuality through the lens of the female body
Tuning in with the oracular nature of the Womb
Using the Womb as an Alchemical vessel for Wholeness
Feminine Life Design to optimize radiance, vitality and feminine joy
Holistic Yoni Care routines and rituals
Using the Womb space to birth the life you most desire
Enhanced Beauty, Grace, Power and Love!

“I am here to guide you back to your true power, radiant beauty and indwelling divinity so that you can live mythically, in your purpose, and be the change that only the awakened feminine can bring.”

The first step is to commit.

The feminine nourishes through beauty;
The beauty of her presence as it infuses the vessel of her body.
The way the wrist turns when she pours a cup of tea, the playful smile that lights up her face like the glow of the moon when she is being adored, the way her eyes drop when she is in an erotic mood and then lift to reveal portals into the depths of her soul, the mysteries of creation.
This is what the world is thirsty for. The full feminine radiance. The thoughtful way she adorns herself according to her moods, the sway of her hips when she is rooted in them, the flick of her hair when she is triumphant in her glory, her ability to soften and melt by the warmth of love, or ignite with fiery passion when it becomes a blaze.
The whole world watches when a woman in her fullness takes her stride and owns all of her ever-changing facets.
When she dances her dance and sings her song, it is water for the world; quenching, clarifying, life-giving.